Industry Leader
In Overhead Conveyor
Offering a wide variety of overhead conveyors suitable for a multiple applications, from paint finish and processing, to in-line and flexible assembly operations in the automotive, electronic, agriculture, and many other industries. Our conveyors have a strong presence for distribution and warehousing applications.
Our History
Founded in 1958 in Pickering, Ontario, Allied Conveyors Limited established a reputation as an industry leader in the design, manufacture and installation of premium quality materials handling systems. Recently acquired by Hy-Tek Material Handling, LLC., we proudly continue the 50 year old company traditions from Statham, Georgia.
Core Solution Areas
Explore What We Can Do For You
While Allied focuses primarily on these core areas for our customer base, we also have access to many more value added services through our parent company, Hy-Tek Material Handling, LLC., including software controls and consulting services.